Their Lost Opportunity is Our Lost Opportunity: Impact & Intention Unplugged from Platform

Right now, we’re experiencing a lot of loss. It’s inequitable, unfair, and ruthless in the scale and scope. Though less catastrophic than the loss of a human life, job loss can be devastating. The future employment market seems bleak and impacts almost all of us in some direct or indirect way. COVID-19 has put college students in a uniquely frustrating holding pattern because so many factors are out of their control and they don’t quite have the power or capacity to regain control.

For the Gen Z and younger Millennial population, this sentiment may not be entirely new. They’ve grown up in a society when mass shootings, catastrophic weather events, and now a devastating pandemic are increasingly ‘normal’. If there’s one positive externality that emerges from their timing, it’s that this generation has a collective flexibility, proactivity and resilience. Statistics show that this generation values authenticity, transparency, and impact.

Individually, these people lead their purchasing habits, social issues, career goals, and life decisions with intention. Together, they continue to prove their ability to identify the best platforms for their powerful impact. 

The sports industry is one example of this powerful combination of intention and platform. Sports organizations have the platform to elevate impactful partners and in return, those partners, with particular expertise, elevate the organization’s mission and bring value to the business. Individuals with Intention recognize this relationship and drive impact through their role to facilitate connections to enact impactful positive change. Notably, these Individuals come from a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. 

Due to COVID-19, this perfect synergy has been unplugged. Individuals with Intention have been disconnected with Brands with Platform. This is a loss for their professional development, community development, social interaction, but is also a tremendous loss for the future innovation and impact that these individuals would have provided to large sports organizations. 

Meet 4 Individuals with Intention:

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I lead my work with Sustainable Development Goal 7: Affordable & Clean Energy. I am also passionate about SDG 11: Sustainable Cities.


Graduating Senior at University of Michigan

Unplugged from internship at a Major League Corporate Office

My internship with a major US professional sports league was unfortunately cancelled this summer due to COVID-19. My role was with the Venues department, working on arena development and league wide arena standards.

I was hopeful to learn more about what requirements, and possibly goals, the league had in place in regards to renewable energy, and to try to suggest more to add in. I was also excited to dive deeper in learning about the development of arenas in cities, and learn about the relationship which they need to have in order to succeed long term. 

I have shifted this situation around to take time to research how various venues and stadiums are helping their cities and being adaptively reused to help COVID-19 relief efforts.


Age 11

Community activist

Unplugged from community

Brash NYC is part of my effort to make physical fitness accessible to every kid in New York City.  A 2015 report by New York City Comptroller found that schools across the five boroughs are failing to meet the state's minimal physical education standards.  This is a problem that is disproportionately impacting lower-income and minority families.   

 Before COVID-19, we had partnered with the New York City Parks Department to organize a free street hockey experience, open to everyone, as well as additional pop-up workouts featuring Olympians and other award-winning athletes.  We've had to reschedule those events due to social distancing, and in the meanwhile, we're focused on raising funds and using social media to help create awareness and enthusiasm regarding youth athletic development.

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Good Health and Wellbeing is the foundation. Without SDG 3, it’s very hard to work towards any other goal.

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My work is driven towards Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action.
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Graduate Student at German Sport University Cologne

Potential Intern for Superbowl LV

Unplugged from live sports

I am passionate about sports ability to draw fans' attention to their natural environment and drive sustainable development. My graduate studies at the German Sport University Cologne focus on the power sport has to drive social development and my studies at the University of South Florida focus on sustainability policy and communication. 

 The debate around climate change for the past 30+ years hasn't stopped the carbon in the atmosphere from reaching an all-time high. Sport has an unprecedented connection to a global, loyal fanbase that can communicate the alarming situation we are in and drive climate policy. Sport takes away the "othering" stigma that comes with those that prioritize climate-friendly lifestyles because solar energy doesn't seem as weird if your sports team prioritizes it too. 

I finished the coursework for my MA in Sport Development and Politics in mid-February, just before sport shut down due to COVID-19. I have had to adjust my thesis to be able to research without sport events and hope that my internship with Superbowl LV is still going to happen. Sustainability positions for sporting organizations were already hard to come by, but it is even more daunting to begin my job search in the middle of a global pandemic and looming economic downturn.


Rising Sophomore at Penn State University

PSU Women’s Basketball Team Manager

Unsure when to plug back in

As the Manager of PSU’s Women’s Basketball Team, I fulfill a lot of the daily requirements of the behind the scenes management and attend all of the games and practices. I’ve learned so much about sports operations and the athletes are a lot of fun too. 

The topic of women’s sports and gender equity is really important right now and as I’ve worked with the Women’s Basketball Team, I’ve gotten more sensitive to the differences between stereotypes of Men’s and Women’s sports. I’m really concerned that the impacts from the virus will make these differences more severe.  

I was fortunate that my summer internship with a bank in my hometown was not cancelled. There, I review loans and collaborate with the team to make sure that even during this time of uncertainty that we can continue to provide the best service possible. I hope that I can go through my career without losing sight of my values, including my goal to reduce inequalities wherever possible. “

Too many people that don’t even recognize SDG 10. Even though we’re all privileged to be able to attend Penn State, I still see inequities between us, especially during Coronavirus.