SportsPro shares 'Ten reasons why climate action is good for your front office,' a collaborative piece with Shanda Demorest

“Because it’s the right thing to do” shouldn’t be the only reason to take climate action. Just in time for Cop26, we share ten practical reasons why leveraging climate-smart strategies across all departments in your front office is good for business:

Green sport and business principles are not the only drivers at Recipric - or for our partners.

With athletic achievement as the pinnacle of sport, integrating sustainable business principles not only helps athletes perform at their peak - it also helps communities breathe cleaner air and drink cleaner water. 

Together with our Founder, Shanda Demorest, a doctorally-prepared nurse from Health Care Without Harm, we share reasons why the sustainable sports industry is beneficial for human health and ultimately for the front office. Our collaboration is part of a mini-series on this topic, coming soon.